Does your audience need to level up or push through challenges?

The perfect blend of engaging storytelling and practical, immediately actionable advice

How many times have you hired a speaker who is entertaining, but didn’t give any practical advice for your audience?

Or perhaps you’ve worked with someone who gave amazing advice, but nearly bored your audience to sleep.

What if you could have the best of both worlds?

Terry believes everyone has a savage alter-ego that can be unleashed on command, allowing them to boldly become the best version of themselves while inspiring others along the way.

Throughout his life he discovered and integrated powerful, yet often overlooked, systems and strategies that deliver the clarity, confidence, and determination needed to relentlessly pursue meaningful change in both life and business. Or as he calls it, The Savage Life.

His journey took him from standing in an unemployment line to becoming a writer for, and eventually walking the red carpet at the premiere of a TV show he appeared on. All while raising five children and maintaining a strict mental and physical health routine.

Now, he wants to help you uncage your savage alter-ego.

Uncaging this savage alter-ego empowers you to speak up when others remain silent, to seek solutions instead of merely pointing out problems. And to remain focused, even in times of uncertainty.

Savages have a clear vision for the future, move with precision, overcome obstacles, and do so with integrity—turning setbacks into stepping stones and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive.

Whether you’re a student navigating academic challenges, an organization striving for innovation, or an individual seeking more out of life, uncaging your savage alter-ego is the key to discovering your purpose, breaking through limitations, staying resilient under pressure, and achieving success on your own terms.

Welcome to The Savage Life.


The Savage Life: Shatter Obstacles, Fuel Innovation and Pursue Your Goals with Precision

Savage (noun): A person who is fearless, bold, and unapologetically confident, moving with a sense of purpose and integrity. Often willing to do what others shy away from to aggressively claim the life they deserve and inspire those around them.

We all have a savage alter-ego within us that can be unleashed on command. 

After overcoming alcoholism, obesity, and financial crisis, Terry Rice understands that lasting transformation doesn’t come from a pep talk. It has to come from within – and it has to be savage. 

He discovered and combined proven — yet rarely utilized — systems and strategies that provide the clarity, confidence, and conviction required to aggressively pursue meaningful transformation in both life and business.

His journey took him from standing in an unemployment line to walking the red carpet at the premiere of a TV show he was featured on. A Blackstone LaunchPad Luminary Award winner, Terry now shares his message of resilience and relentless pursuit of vision on stages around the world and as a contributor to

During this experience, attendees will learn how to unleash their inner savage so they can innovate fearlessly, shatter limitations, and lead their life and business with unwavering conviction.

Key Takeaways

Create a clear vision for your life and business, building the confidence to aggressively pursue your goals.

Discover how moving with integrity and boldness can inspire those around you to embrace their own potential.

Learn how to fuel innovation within yourself and your team, driving breakthrough results through creative problem-solving.

Gain the ability to maintain a positive mindset, even in the face of drastic marketplace challenges or personal setbacks.

This isn’t just a motivational talk that will eventually wear off.

Instead, each participant will gain access to an interactive online program designed to help them unleash their inner savage on command so they can boldly navigate through challenges and embrace growth opportunities going forward. 

Money Mindset

Think Bigger and Unlock Your Wealth Potential

Are you unintentionally suppressing your revenue potential? You’ll be shocked at how much of your success  isn’t based on your talent or ambition. Instead, it often comes down to your mindset, your beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself

Your mindset sets the foundation for how much you’ll charge, the opportunities you’ll pursue, and how you’ll demand more of yourself and those you partner with. 

So, is your mindset around money holding you back or unlocking your wealth potential? During this event you’ll learn how to cultivate a money mindset that can help you maximize your revenue, optimize your time, and avoid burnout.

You will learn how to:

Identify and avoid the most common financial pitfalls faced by entrepreneurs

Increase your rates and revenue without working around the clock

Gain the confidence and guidance to pitch bigger clients and projects

Create a profit multiplier for your business without reinventing the wheel

Recognized Expert

How to Build Your Personal Brand and Revenue

If you’d like to attract high-paying clients who are eager to chat with you, building your personal brand is a must. A strong online reputation is the main difference between being in demand – and fully booked – versus begging for prospects to reply.

If you’d like to attract high-paying clients who are eager to chat with you, building your personal brand is a must. A strong online reputation is the main difference between being in demand – and fully booked – versus begging for prospects to reply.

Key Takeaways

Gain the trust of your audience by confidently present yourself and your service offering

Save time by discovering what social channels really matter to you and what to post

Learn how to land media opportunities and amplify the impact through lead generation

Understand how to track the revenue impact of your Personal Brand

Level Up

The Actions, Tools, and Mindset of a High-Performer

In a world where mediocrity is often the norm, “LEVEL UP” serves as a no-nonsense guide to elevate your game. Perfect for both entrepreneurs and corporate go-getters, this keynote cuts through the fluff and zeros in on what it really takes to climb to the top of the performance ladder.

Ready to quit playing small so you can make the best use of your time, energy and talent? Well, your new playbook awaits.

Terry will share the same actions and routines that allow him to write for Entrepreneur magazine and work with Fortune 500 companies, all while maintaining his health and actively raising four young children. 

Discover actionable strategies, essential tools, and the ironclad mindset you need to outperform yesterday’s you. 

Join us in breaking down the barriers to high performance, all while keeping your mental and physical health intact.

Key Takeaways:

The Productivity Playbook: Learn how to get more done in less time focusing on impact and eliminating distractions.

Mindset Mastery: Unearth the mental frameworks that high-performers use to tackle challenges and bounce back from setbacks.

Toolbox Unveiled: Get a rundown of cutting-edge tools and hacks that can automate the mundane, freeing you up to focus on what truly matters.

Balancing Act: Master the art of maintaining peak performance without sacrificing your personal life or the experiences that matter most.

Terry Rice delivered a powerful presentation … He’s an engaging presenter who speaks with the crowd, not at them. Terry shared real experiences from his career, offering valuable insights on how others can enhance their mindset. He even went above and beyond by helping to secure additional speakers for the event.”

Michael Gewirtzman

Global VP of Programming at Advertising Week

Terry was the opening keynote to the Craft + Commerce Conference. This was THE message I needed to hear! He reminded us about our value and gave practical and realistic advice for all creators! As an Event Planner and Conference Connoisseur – I highly recommend bringing Terry to your next event!

Vanessa Tharp

Educator, Event and Project Management, Facilitator & Accountability Coach

Terry Rice is an exceptional speaker who consistently delivers immense value with every engagement. We’ve had the privilege of hosting him at several of our events, and each time, he captivates the audience with his incredible stage presence and deep expertise. Terry doesn’t just speak—he connects. His sessions are packed with actionable insights and practical strategies that our attendees can immediately implement.

Beyond his time on stage, Terry’s commitment to our community shines through – he goes the extra mile by staying afterward to engage with attendees, answer questions, and ensure they leave with a personalized experience.

If you’re looking for a speaker who will not only energize your audience but also provides them with tangible takeaways, Terry Rice is your go-to. I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking a top-tier speaker who delivers every time.

Ashley Kirkwood

CEO of Speak Your Way To Cash

Inclusions When You
Book Terry

A pre-event 60s Custom Marketing Video to spark buzz with attendees

Pre-event guided discovery call to leave no stones unturned for keynote development

A customized keynote to that creates an unforgettable experience and nails your theme

Opportunity for a Pre/Post Event podcast with your company

Post event: Custom 10 minute training video with accompanying PDF to help attendees implement what they’ve learned

On stage survey results delivered

FREE Workbook for attendees

FREE Personalized quiz access for attendees

Terry Visited the University of Buffalo this March. He spoke to a few hundred students about making connections, growing his business and how to go forward from life’s hardships. His personal story was very inspiring, and he really has a way with connecting to his student audience. His casual but professional presentation style is awesome and I believe there is a lot to learn and take in from Terry.

Brogan Porter

Student, University at Buffalo

School of Management

When I first met Terry, you could easily see not only how much expertise he has in his field of work, but also how much passion he has for it. Watching him talk on the main stage amplified that to the max in such a bright way that did nothing but positively impact the audience he spoke to. His ability to showcase vulnerability, knowledge, confidence, and creativity was so inspiring to watch!

Angel Marie

Life and Business Coach

Terry is outstanding on stage, mixing humor with smart and actionable insights that left the crowd intimately engaged with his presentation

Alex Bocher

Online Communications Manager

Ketchum PR

Terry Rice delivered a highly engaging keynote talk to help our students navigate setbacks in college and beyond, with specific examples and personal stories that illustrated his messages so powerfully. The students asked questions until the end and even from the back row, so we knew he grabbed the attention of our full audience. Many thanks to Terry for such a valuable keynote!

Gwen Appelbaum

Assistant Dean & Director, Career Resource Center at University of Buffalo School of Management