Issue #

The Path to Paying Your Bills

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    Hey there! Literally coming out of the blue as I’m currently en route to speak at a ConvertKit conference in Boise, Idaho.

    I love getting on stage, but it’s always challenging to leave my kids for an extended period of time. And, it’s interesting because my kids cost me money, but they also inspire me to make more money.

    As a result, I get to pass along those revenue-building lessons learned to you. So that’s what we’re going to do today.

    I’ll start by venting a bit, but I promise I’ll quickly pivot to focusing on solutions as opposed to complaining.

    My wife and I pay $4,200 per month for daycare. So, that’s roughly a lot. And I get it, the daycare workers provide excellent care for my children and I appreciate them.

    But that’s still a lot of money. And the way I think about it, I’m pretty much paying just so I can go to work.

    Again, I’m not saying all this just so you can listen to me complain. I’m telling you this because I want to share how I found a solution to my problem, which was not wanting to pay $4k per month for daycare. Or at least finding an easier way to do it.

    And if you follow along, you’ll learn how you can take control of your finances by creating revenue generating services.

    So, here’s how I solved the problem: I started with a lofty goal. I wanted to create a new service that would consistently provide enough revenue to pay my kids daycare bill.

    And, that service had to meet the following criteria.

    • It has to be easy to sell based on the obvious value provided
    • It must be a service that I can sell on an ongoing basis
    • There must be a natural way to sell those clients additional services

    And honestly, this is how we should be thinking about all our services anyway, but this one felt more meaningful because it was designed to pay one specific expense. My $4,200 daycare bill.

    So now I’m going to walk you through how I created this new service based on the established criteria and how you can do the same.

    It has to be easy to sell based on the obvious value provided

    People often come to me for help with various aspects of their business. Maybe it’s getting more leads, raising their prices, building their Linkedin presence. All that good stuff.

    But they sometimes haven’t addressed the most critical part of their business model, having a good offer.

    We’ve talked about this before – which you can read about it here – so I’ll spare you the lengthy recap. In short, you need an offer so good your audience would feel silly saying no.

    I’ll give you an overly obvious example of this: “If you were drowning and I threw you a life vest, would you take it?” Suffice to say most people wouldn’t turn down that offer.

    So here’s what I came up with for my offer; an accelerated program to help entrepreneurs create an irresistible offer so they can attract and convert high-paying clients.

    Ready for your first action item? Create an irresistible offer for your audience.

    If you’d like to see an example of this, just head to

    It must be a service that I can sell on an ongoing basis

    Once you have your irresistible offer, let’s talk about how you can sell this service on an ongoing basis.

    I could have just sold one person on that accelerator program and made enough money to pay my daycare bill.

    But, I wanted to make this offer more accessible to people who may not have as much money to invest in their business.

    That’s why I decided to create an exclusive workshop, its called the revenue accelerator, that is only available to eight members at a cost of $600 per person.

    Reason being, I could charge less per person but still wouldn’t need a bunch of people to take me up on the offer.

    Quick math coming at you.

    8 X $600 is $4,800 so if I sold out, that would be more than enough to pay my daycare bill.

    I then decided to offer the workshop on a monthly basis. This approach works well for a few reasons.

    Since there are only eight spots available, it was more likely to sell out which builds anticipation for the next workshop.

    This scarcity encourages people to stop considering and start converting due to fear of missing out. And (ironically) I teach you how to do that in the workshop too.

    So, here’s your next action item.

    Think of a templated service or workshop that you can sell on a recurring basis with little to no customization needed.

    There must be a natural way to sell those clients additional services

    This part was a bit tricky. Reason being, there isn’t an obvious next step every must take after the workshop.

    Some people may need help with branding, others may need help landing speaking gigs. But then I thought of something everyone needs, accountability.

    Here’s why:

    According to the American Society of Training and Development if you have a goal andmeet with an accountability partner just once per week, your chance of hitting that goal increases by 95%.

    So no matter what goal you have, I can help you achieve it, just by keeping you accountable.

    That’s why I created the Strategic Advisory & Accountability Program. And it’s pretty simple.

    Every Monday program members fill out their weekly goal sheets.

    They can then meet with me during weekly office hours in order to get real-time support. There’s also a Circle community so they can learn from and support their peers.

    Every Fridays the members provide a status update, ask more questions, and get video feedback.

    For now the cost is $500/mo, which I’ll eventually increase. And I’m still capping membership, this time I’m opening up 10 spots.

    10 spots times $500 is another $5,000 in monthly recurring revenue for this program. It only takes me a few hours a month to maintain it, since my wife is handling community management.

    Tying everything together

    The Revenue Accelerator brings in $4,800 per month and the Strategic Advisory & Accountability Program will bring in $5,000 per month.

    So that’s close to $10k per month, and I’m working about a day and a half to earn it. Of course, it takes time to market it – but you get the point.

    This idea stemmed from my frustration around paying a bill and now I’ve set up two revenue streams that bring in $120k per year.

    You can do the same thing, so here’s what I want you to do:

    Pick one bill that you’re sick of paying. That part shouldn’t be too hard. If you’re just getting started with your business, keep it small (maybe it’s your cell phone bill).

    Then, think of a service offering you could provide that will pay for this bill on a consistent basis. Maybe it’s selling an hour-long consulting session and you charge $100.

    That’s it. That’s all you have to do to get the process rolling.

    After the first month, think of another bill that’s a bit more expensive. Maybe it’s your car payment or something like that. Pay that bill and the other bill using the service you’re providing.

    You get the point, just keep going with the process.

    Try this out, it will work. And if you need help creating your offer, consider attending my revenue accelerator workshop. You can learn more about it and register by visiting

    As a heads up, the last session sold out in just 10 days, and I already have two people enrolled in the upcoming instance.

    Beyond that, I’m speaking at that ConvertKit conference this morning and will be promoting it while I’m on stage.

    So if you’re ready to stop haggling over prices and want an irresistible offer that attracts high-paying clients, sign up today.

    Either way, now is the perfect time to turn your frustration into the fuel you need to multiply your revenue.

    So get started today.

    That’s it for now!

    I hope you found this valuable (please let me know) and if you did please consider sharing it with a friend. They can sign up here.

    Have a great week!

    Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

    1. Learn how to start a professional service business using the skills you already have(Available now, money back guarantee)

    2. Get quick answers to your most pressing questions (Booked out 1 week)

    3. Work with me 1:1 to build your revenue and personal brand (Booked out 2 weeks)

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