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This Story Made Me Want to Take Immediate Action
One of my friends told me about a guy who used ChatGPT to design a healthier lifestyle for himself. It planned his meals, workouts, rest—everything.
The result? He lost weight, lowered his blood pressure, and felt happier.
I’ve been using ChatGPT to program my workouts for months, but I never thought about having it design a lifestyle that would help me hit other goals.
So, in this edition, I’ll walk you through a few prompts that helped me come up with a business idea that could put me in a position to generate $25K in additional revenue this month. And if you’re not a business owner, you should still stay tuned—I’ll give you another prompt that can help you make additional cash as a side hustler.
Today, at a Glance:
- Discover how AI can be your strategic thought partner to unlock blind spots and uncover opportunities.
- Learn the exact prompts I used to put myself in a position to generate $25K in additional revenue this month.
- Get a sneak peek into the Savage Coaching philosophy and how it can help you own your identity, craft bold visions, and design rituals for success.
Read Time: ~5 minutes
The First Prompt That Unlocked New Revenue Potential
My first ChatGPT prompt was relatively simple, but it yielded incredible results. Here’s what I input:
“Given my current and previous revenue streams, what could I do this month to secure another $25K in revenue? I want options that can close relatively quickly and don’t have a long sales cycle. I don’t want to do cold pitching or run paid ads. I also want opportunities that have the highest probability of closing and don’t require a lot of development or operations support.”
This relies on ChatGPT knowing something about you, your business, or expertise. I shared my website and manually provided more information about services I’ve offered in the past.
The result? ChatGPT told me I should start coaching again.
I purposely stopped coaching this year because I’m focusing on speaking, writing, and brand deals for revenue generation.
However, those deals can take a while to close, which is why ChatGPT suggested coaching. Initially, I wasn’t thrilled about that suggestion.
Fortunately, I asked one more question that unlocked an incredible opportunity which I’ll get to shortly.
Heads up: You can use a similar approach to get guidance in other areas of your life too. For example
“My kids always argue when we play board games. What are three things we can do instead that don’t require much setup and aren’t messy.”
All the prompts I’m sharing today can be adjusted to your unique needs, so consider these as an example of what you can do as well.
Now, back to that additional question I asked.
A New Path for Coaching: Savage Success
Slightly disappointed but still determined, I asked ChatGPT another question:
“What’s something I could coach about that leverages my existing skills and experience, but is different from anything I’ve done in the past? I’d prefer to work with people who are highly motivated but need additional direction.”
The response should have been obvious to me from the start.
Sometimes that’s the benefit of using AI—it acts as a thought partner who’s looking out for your best interests and can identify blind spots and opportunities you might have missed.
Long story short, ChatGPT told me to coach individuals about the Savage ideology I developed.

I’ll share more about this next week, but here’s a quick overview to wrap your head around:
Savage Success is a transformative philosophy and lifestyle design program created to empower individuals to live unapologetically bold, authentic lives while achieving audacious goals.
I recently delivered it on stage at an event in Palm Springs but hadn’t considered offering it as a service to individuals.
So, just like that, Savage coaching was unleashed. But I still had one more problem.
Promoting Without Over-Promotion
As you’ve hopefully noticed, I don’t promote my business too much on social media or in this newsletter.
I’d rather focus on sharing pattern-interrupting thoughts and actionable insights that allow you to take meaningful action.
So again, I asked ChatGPT:
“How can I promote this coaching program without using any of the methods I previously mentioned? This includes paid ads and cold pitching.”
Again, the response should have been obvious.
I’ve spent over 3,000 hours leading online workshops since 2016.
Since ChatGPT knows about this experience, it encouraged me to lead a webinar that would provide value to attendees. At the conclusion of the workshop, I could then ask people if they were interested in hopping on a discovery call to learn more about my coaching services.
So, that’s what I’m doing Thursday, 12/12 at 12 PM.
All those 12’s were an accident, but here’s what you’ll learn on purpose.
In just one hour, I’ll show you how to unlock your full potential, craft a bold vision, and build rituals that make audacious goals achievable.
You can reserve your spot here and be sure to let me know if you do. I’m offering a free accelerated coaching session to one person.
Terry’s Recommendation Zone
Artificial intelligence is only useful if you start with natural intelligence.
When I was leveraging ChatGPT to help write the copy for my webinar landing page, I gave it another prompt you might want to borrow:
“Review the content I’ve written, and then pretend you just read Day Trading Attention by Gary Vaynerchuk. Based on that, make adjustments to my copy.”
Day Trading Attention is about mastering the art and science of storytelling in modern times. I interviewed Gary about it a few months ago and was embarrassed to admit I hadn’t read the book yet.
But based on the results I got from leveraging his insights through ChatGPT, I decided to read his book on Shortform.
Shortform provides concise, detailed summaries of popular non-fiction books, allowing users to quickly grasp the key ideas and insights from a book without having to read the entire text. Ready to dive in? You can use my exclusive link to start your free Shortform trial.
Unlocking Your Own Revenue-Generating Ideas
AI isn’t just for businesses. If you don’t have one, you can still come up with revenue-generating ideas by entering the following prompt:
“Given my current skills and past experience, what’s a side hustle I could start that would take less than X hours per month and bring in $X?”
Let me know what it comes back with.
That’s it for now, but here’s a quick recap:
- AI tools like ChatGPT can help you identify untapped opportunities
- Simple, thoughtful prompts can create clear paths toward actionable outcomes.
- Intellectual curiosity unlocks the true power of AI
Don’t miss out: Join me for a free workshop on Thursday, 12/12 at 12 PM, where I’ll share actionable insights, ChatGPT tools, and proven strategies for creating transformation in your personal and professional life. Claim your spot today.
Chat soon,

Find me on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, or book a 1:1 call.
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