Issue #

My Week Was Disastrous, Yet I Found Reasons to Be Grateful

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    I struggled with how to start this email, so I’m just going to write and see what happens.

    This has undoubtedly been one of the most challenging weeks of my life.

    It’s also been one of the most rewarding.

    Often the challenge is what leads to the reward, but I’m still not sure if that’s what’s going on yet.

    So, here’s the situation:

    My older brother died this week. He was sick for a long time and it gives me comfort to know he’s no longer in pain. It also hurts to know I’ll never talk to him again.

    I wrote a post about how I’m dealing with this experience on LinkedIn. My overall goal was to help other people who may experience loss or trauma.

    But, here’s what else happened:

    I’m joining a startup that serves creator-entrepreneurs as the Head of Growth.

    This will revolutionize the way I’m able to help people but I’ll still have the autonomy to offer keynotes and courses through my own business.

    It will also allow me to focus even more on my career as a content creator and performance coach.

    To be completely transparent, this is such a weird spot for me to be in. I’m excited about the future while currently dealing with a devastating loss.

    However, I know my brother was very proud of me and this is a great way to continue moving forward.

    Beyond that, I’m feeling a gratitude that’s almost forced upon us this time of year.

    I’m grateful for Megan, my director of operations.

    As you can imagine I’m still processing the loss of my brother, but she’s been able to keep everything going with my business while I focus on my family.

    I’m also grateful for the opportunity this new partnership presents. Beyond taking on an exciting role, it’s my chance to reset and refocus so I can move forward in a more impactful, meaningful way.

    And if you want to learn more about my reset process, I’m kicking off a free Refocus Challenge next week. I’ll share how you can say goodbye to old priorities, outdated habits, toxic mindsets, and make 2024 your year of growth.

    Register for the challenge

    So like I said in the beginning, often the challenge is what leads to the reward.

    And after writing this to you, I’ve realize several of the challenges I’ve gone through have led to amazing rewards.

    Here’s how:

    I spoke about losing my son TJ for the first time on stage at a ConvertKit conference.

    That same company decided to create a documentary about me, during which I talk about how losing my son inspired me to help others.

    I shared a rough cut of the documentary with a friend. He then expressed an interest in bringing me on as a partner with his company that supports creator-entrepreneurs.

    That is how I was able to form such an amazing partnership this week. Pain was the pathway.

    I’ve said it before: “People give you opportunities because they feel connected to you.” And that connection is often formed by sharing your most painful moments.

    So, this is a very painful moment for me.

    But I’m hoping my willingness to share will help us form a better connection, and encourage you to share more as well.

    That’s it for now.

    Thanks for your support and I hope to see you at the event next week.


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