From Frustrated to Fulfilled: Craig Siegel Shares the Reinvention Formula

Remove self-limiting beliefs and unlock a bulletproof mindset

Self-limiting beliefs will tank your chance of success way before any external obstacles. So how do you remove those beliefs, and replace them with a more useful framework?

Good question, and Craig Siegel has the answer.

Craig is a value-based and high-energy global keynote speaker. He believes removing limiting beliefs is the key to success in all areas of life. Most people feel unworthy. Craig helps people release the negative beliefs they have cultivated over time and implement positive and constructive thoughts. These thoughts then create powerful and positive beliefs that change your behaviors and ultimately create brand-new results in your relationships, business, and all facets of life.

His work has been endorsed by some of the world’s most well-known celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and entrepreneurs, such as Eric Thomas, Ed Mylett, Darryl Strawberry and Tom Bilyeu.

In his new book, The Reinvention Formula: How to Unlock a Bulletproof Mindset to Upgrade Your Life, he provides practical strategies and inspiring stories to help you create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

I chatted with Craig during a recent episode of the Launch Your Business podcast and shared a few of my key takeaways below.

The eulogy exercise

After years of work on Wall Street, Craig found himself in a successful career without direction or passion. He was caught in that low-grade miserable that happens when you’ve backed yourself into a corner of how other people think you ought to live your life.

One of the key exercises that helped get him out of the haze was the eulogy exercise. You read that right: A eulogy exercise.

Here’s what that looks like: You imagine if your funeral is a few weeks into the future. What will people say about you? What’s in your obituary? Did you leave a mark?

Craig realized he was not proud of what his eulogy would have looked like. He knew it was time for change.

“I woke up one day and realized all I had to change was absolutely everything,” Craig said, “And so I started investing in a different story.”

After that moment, Craig said it was impossible to go back.

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How to reinvent yourself

Like so many things, Craig says that reinvention starts with a list. Two lists, actually.

First, you make a list of five or six things that you love. If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you wake up tomorrow and do?

Next, make a list of five or six things that you’re really good at. Everyone has something that comes naturally to them, while others struggle.

Your superpower will be where the venn diagram of what you love, and what you’re good at overlaps.

“You will absolutely find some commonalities,” Craig said. “Then I would marry the two. And right away we are onto something. Now we have some clarity.”

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There’s a difference between failure and failing

Craig defines failure as trying something once, seeing that it didn’t work, and throwing up your hands and walking away.

Failing, he says, can actually be a positive thing. It means that you tried something, and it didn’t work. This happens to everyone, and as long as you keep rolling, you’ll be okay. As long as you keep trying and failing, you’ll make progress.

“Specifically in entrepreneurship, you gotta have thick skin, you gotta be bold, you gotta be able to take a punch,” Craig said. You gotta be able to take things, not so personally, and understand that every time you have a setback or you make a “mistake”, as long as there’s a lesson learned that you can extract to make you better, more experienced, more seasoned for the next endeavor, it’s actually a win.”

Next steps

Ready to learn more from Craig?

Start by grabbing a copy of his new book, The Reinvention Formula: How to Unlock a Bulletproof Mindset to Upgrade Your Life.

For a sneak preview, listen to our full interview on the Launch Your Business podcast.

Be sure to check his podcast as well, The CLS Experience, where you’ll hear from the most well-known celebrities on the planet who overcame struggles on their journey, on their way to achieving massive success in different facets of life.

And give him a follow on Instagram as well to keep up with his latest content and live events.

This article was written by Terry Rice, and originally appeared on

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